There was also a small ad hoc support group on the republican side . 在共和党方面,也有一个不大的特别支援小组。
When an especially difficult interdepartmental problem arose, an ad hoc task force with a responsible head was created . 部会之间遇有特殊困难问题,就成立一个特别小组,由专人负责。
Now he introduced a completely unprecedented ad hoc assumption whose only justification was a pragmatic one-it worked . 现在他引入一个史无前例的特殊假设,它的唯一理由完全是实用主义的--那就是它管用。
Improvement on the wireless ad hoc network aodv routing protocol 路由协议的改进
Mac protocol for wireless ad hoc network based on ieee802 无线局域网的安全策略
Ad Hoc is a Latin phrase meaning "for this". It generally signifies a solution designed for a specific problem or task, non-generalizable, and not intended to be able to be adapted to other purposes (compare a priori).
ad hocとは意味:ad hoc その場限り 其の場限り そのばかぎり アドホック ad hoc meaning: Adverb: ad hoc ad 'hók For one specific case "they were appointed ad hoc" Adjective: ad hoc ad 'hók Often improvised or impromptu "an ad hoc en francais:adj. ad hoc, impromptu, qui convient à un usage spécifique, destiné expressément à cet usage adv. ad hoc,à usage spécifiquead hoc artinya:disusun untuk tujuan iniad hoc 뜻:특별히 그를 위하여ad hoc перевод:1) _лат. на данный случай; Ex: ad hoc committee специальный комитет; комитет ад хок; Ex: ad hoc assumption произвольная гипотеза